It also incorporates a variety of psychiatric outcomes scales, such as the Clinical Global Impression (CGI). The whole description and images are based on the commonly practiced clinical examination methods all around the world.Ĭlinical examination, physical examination, medical examination, clinical skills, medical, physical, health, respiratory, history, cardiac examination, abdomen examination, doctors, case, drugs, chest examination,education, training, clinical procedures, nervous system, medicine, diagnosis, diagnose, healthy, medical student, apps for doctors, medical books, medical students, nerve, med student, osce, medical training, first aid, medical education, clinical case,medical case, ecg, blood pressure, temperature, blood, oxygen,medical college, medical apps for doctors, medical study, medical apps, medical apps for general practitioner, medical students apps, apps for medical students, educational apps for medical students. MindLinc’s progress note template can be modified to include specific problems, goals, objectives and/or interventions based on a patient’s treatment plan. It also includes pathological respiratory and heart sounds to help you understand better. It is intended to help me with my documentation via note-taking. MedEx is a handy and useful tool to learn clinical examination and skills on the go.Ĭombined with easy to understand description and high quality images, this is a perfect platform to improve your clinical skills. I wanted to share with you something that I have made for myself to use for my clinical practice.